Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Choose the Right High School for College Success

In school districts across the country that are large enough to have multiple schools, including charter schools, families usually are given the option of school of choice. Early in the calendar year is the usual time that families are asked to make their options known. For parents with teenagers entering high school, searching for a school that best prepares their child for college is often a top priority.

What does a parent look for in a school that will well prepare their student for college success? The obvious first answer is to look for a school with rigorous academic opportunities. Most high schools today offer AP or Advanced Placement classes that offer students the opportunity to earn college credit while in high school, depending on that student’s scores on the AP exit exams. AP is a curriculum sponsored by the College Board that standardizes courses to be equivalent to a college course.

Another rigorous curriculum is the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. It usually takes schools two to three years to qualify to become an IB school, therefore this program is not available in every school district. The IB program is divided into three sections: the primary years (grades KG through 5), the middle years (grades 5 through 10), and the IB diploma program (grades 11 and 12). Depending on the particular school’s rules, a student can enter the IB program at any grade except during the diploma program—that program requires the full two years. Like AP classes, students who perform well on IB exit exams can earn college credit—in some cases, up to a year’s worth of credit.

Besides these two programs, parents can search for charter or magnet schools that specialize in certain subjects or adhere to certain curriculum philosophies. Examples are science, math, and technology schools; performing arts schools; and schools that offer a “classic” curriculum. The definition of classic curriculum can vary from school to school.

For the student that wants to pursue college and be successful there, taking challenging high school courses is the way to go. But it also is important that the student fulfill his or her other interests. When deciding on a high school, parents and students should consider the school’s opportunities for sports, academic clubs, social clubs, and community service. Most teenagers are not focused solely on academics, and their other interests can serve them well in getting into college and being successful once there.

And by all means, go visit the schools, talk to the administrators, view the facilities, and ask questions. Be sure to include your teenager in the decision-making process. Remember she is the one that has to thrive in whatever high school environment she is placed, so considering her views and concerns should be as important as yours. Then stay interested and involved in her school career to help further her success in high school and beyond.

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